Pale Moon User Content PolicyPale Moon related websites may include user-submitted content, e.g. on the forum website or the Pale Moon add-ons website. Even though we have clear policies and terms of service/intent in place prohibiting any wilful posting and distribution of IP-protected, malicious and/or copyrighted content unless specifically licensed to do so, it may happen that users, potentially out of ignorance or due to the ambiguous nature of the source they received material from, post user content on our websites that is undesirable, in violation of IP or Copyright, or otherwise poses a risk. This policy is in place to clarify intent for posted content and to provide a safe harbor for both users and operators of our web sites. Representation and free speechContent submitted or posted by users (User Content) expresses solely the opinions and viewpoints of the users who post said content, and are in no way representing an official viewpoint or opinion of the project, its owner, collaborators or developers. We adhere to the principles behind free speech: no User Content should be censored or removed unless it is considered overly offensive, instigating or promoting strong hostility (verbal or otherwise), or in violation of established national or international laws. User-contributed softwareSome parts of our websites will provide access to user-contributed software. This access may be to user-contributed builds of the browser, or may e.g. be to user-contributed extensions to the browser. We will do our best to provide some measure of quality assurance for this contributed software but all of this software is ultimately provided on an "AS-IS" basis and used solely at your own risk.We, the operators of these websites, cannot be held responsible for any loss of data or revenue due to the use of any posted software, and especially software contributed by our community members. The primary contact for issues with contributed browser builds and extensions will at all times be the user who posted such builds or extensions, and they will be responsible for providing support, if any. Links to malware and external sitesEven though User Content is moderated to prevent blatant "bad links", we cannot guarantee that links will at all times be safe to follow, suitable for all ages, environments or backgrounds, or that software posted or linked to is safe to use. As a visitor it is your own responsibility to verify and be mindful of the sources used for software and the potential risks involved in visiting external sites through links (especially in User Content) that we have no control over. Following such links is at all times at your own risk. What to do when you find your protected content on our website(s)?In case of the forum: please use the on-site "private message" system to inform any of the staff members about the violation. Please include as much relevant detail as possible when making such a report. In case of other websites: please use the available contact channels on the relevant site to bring this issue to our attention (IRC, e-mail). Please note: If there is any doubt about the validity of the report or alleged infringement, we may not act upon it unless reported by the legal owner of said content. We will not take content down unless we have good faith belief that it is in fact infringing the owner's rights. This to prevent spurious and unnecessary takedowns of otherwise acceptable content for arbitrary/personal reasons. We generally respond quickly to any legitimate and verifiable requests indicating protected content has been posted, by removing such content or blocking access to it, and informing the user in question about the issue with the content they submitted. Takedown notices are normally not required if there is a clear violation of content owners' rights. A simple request should in about all cases suffice to have the content removed as soon as feasible. If you wish to send an official DMCA Takedown noticeIf you wish to send an official DMCA Takedown notice, either due to lack of a timely response or a negative response by staff about user content and you wish to pursue a more strict legal route to protect your content, then please send a DMCA Takedown notice to legal@palemoon.org. This notice should at all times include:
If you have any questions about this policy, or think anything is in error, then please drop us a line. |
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