Archived versions

This page provides access to archived versions of Pale Moon. These are older versions of the browser that are no longer supported, but listed here in case you want or need to use an older version. Please be aware that these versions may have (serious) bugs and security vulnerabilities that have been fixed in later versions. We cannot reasonably provide ANY support for these old versions.
These archived versions are provided as a convenience only. Depending on available resources, old versions may be removed. If you require permanent backups of old versions please employ your own storage.

Please only download the version you personally need and do not hotlink.
If you want to point people to archived versions of Pale Moon, always link to this page, not to the links below directly.

Download (all old versions)

You can download some select archived versions of the browser from the Pale Moon archival web server
If you need language packs for older versions, please use the following link:

Important note about using profiles with older versions

Please beware: Profile migration across milestones (v26.*, v27.*, v28.*, etc.) and sometimes major development releases as well is one-way. This means that once you have upgraded your profile to a later version, you can no longer safely use it in an earlier version. If you download an earlier version of the browser from this archived page you should always start with a fresh profile or a matching backup of the profile from the version you are downloading.

Profile corruption due to later milestone or version incompatibility of data may not immediately be apparent, but can (and likely will) cause issues down the line. Also, if you have upgraded a profile to a later version, then used it with an earlier version, it should be considered corrupt and unusable, even in the later version (so upgrading back to a later version is not a fix for this situation! Only a backup is).

Any mixed use of the same profile with different milestone generations and major development versions of the browser is unsupported. In case of doubt: start with a new profile.

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Important legal considerations surrounding Pale Moon.
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